
Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground. All their equipment and instruments are alive.Mist enveloped the ship three hours out from port. The spectacle before us was indeed sublime.A red flair silhouetted the jagged edge of a wing.

David Koff        


For those interested in learning more about using AI to create deepfakes for the GOOD of humanity, I encourage you to check out the website I’ve been exploring for a few months now: HeyGen (affiliate link here). You can try it out for free - yes, seriously - to see how it works. If you like it enough to make a purchase, and begin using the technology for yourself, using my link will earn me a small commission.



The Software development industry goes through new ups and downs every time a new technology is introduced that can directly or indirectly influence the industry. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of such technologies that has changed the traditional ways of software development. From making modern software safer and more personalized to helping them deliver the best possible user experience, the technology is helping software developers around the world a lot. 

Research by Allied Market Research states that by 2030, the global AI market is expected to reach a value of $84.80 billion compared to $8.56 billion in 2020. This growth is expected to display a CAGR of 26.44%. Now, moving forward, in this blog we will shortlist and discuss some practical influences AI will have over the software development industry in the near future. 

Warren White 


Today, we're diving into a topic that affects so many of us: finding a healthy work-life balance in this fast-paced, technology-driven world. It's no secret that technology has revolutionised the way we work, but it has also blurred the boundaries between our personal and professional lives, leading to burnout and stress. I’ve recently been exploring how it’s possible to harness technology to reclaim balance, prioritise your mental health, and boost productivity. So let's get started!

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